PCC (now in ) can be downloaded in two different ways.
Compiled and minified CSS file, ready for including and using in your project.
Download compiled
Source LESS code and Gulp file. Requires LESS compiler to compiling code and Gulp to running tasks.
Download source
Use following command in terminal
git clone https://github.com/pgalias/pure-css-components.git
You can also download PCC using Bower
bower install pure.css.components
You can also download via NPM
npm install pure.css.components --save
PCC uses Gulp for working and building library.
Available Gulp commands
gulp components
Generates CSS file without themes in css directory
gulp theme --name filename_without_extension
Generates CSS file of themes in css directory
gulp compile
Generates CSS file with components and themes in css directory
gulp minify
Minifies all CSS files in css directory
gulp [default]
Runs compile and minify tasks
PCC provides three CSS files in dist. You can use it in your project in three various ways
Simply include components.css file into your head section. It contains all components and their themes in one file
<link rel='stylesheet' href='path/to/components.min.css'>
Include separated components-alone.css with desired theme.css file into your head section.
<link rel='stylesheet' href='path/to/components-alone.min.css'>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='path/to/components-{name}.theme.min.css'>
where {name}
is name of theme
Include only components-alone.css file. It has only raw styles without margins, paddings, font sizes, etc.
<link rel='stylesheet' href='path/to/components-alone.min.css'>
Coming soon